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Preston S.

Aug 21, 2023


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Mechanical Keyboard Forums Explained

Want to learn about more relevant forums for keebs? This blog post will introduce you to the most commonly used forums so you can learn more from the community!

Kinetic Labs TG67 V2 with Code PBT KeycapsKinetic Labs TG67 V2 with Code PBT Keycaps

Kinetic Labs TG67 V2 with Code PBT Keycaps

The world of mechanical keyboards is growing more than ever and sometimes there is so much information going around that it is hard to keep up! Don’t worry though, today we are going to be going over most of the commonly used Mechanical Keyboard forums so you know exactly where to go to find the information you need.


Geekhack's HomepageGeekhack's Homepage

Geekhack's Homepage

Geekhack is a very commonly used mechanical keyboard forum that is very well known to be one of the oldest and most highly regarded forums dating all the way back to 2007. This is a great place to visit if you are interested in checking out what new Interest Checks or Group Buys are coming up. Geekhack is also known for focusing more on the technical side of things when it comes to mechanical keyboards so if that is something that interests you, then look no further. The cool thing is that most of the posts are made by individual people who just want to make something for the community. So it is nice to just browse around and see what peaks your interest. Of course, this forum is not just for Group Buys and Interest Checks as you can also just ask general questions you may have or just post pictures of your keyboard build to share with the world!


r/MechanicalKeyboard's Reddit Pager/MechanicalKeyboard's Reddit Page

r/MechanicalKeyboard's Reddit Page

r/MechanicalKeyboard is a very popular subreddit with over one million active users. This is a very general forum as it has a little bit of everything. People share keyboard builds, group buys, and much more. This is a great place to visit if you have any questions as there is a pinned weekly questions thread where you can just ask whatever you are needing help with, and someone can respond giving you the answer you need. If you are wanting to look at any of the upcoming keyboard meetups, this is also a great place to check as they have a schedule of sorts that shows all of the upcoming mechanical keyboard meetups and where exactly they will be. This is probably the most popular place to visit when it comes to mechanical keyboards and is where most people start off when they are just getting into the hobby, including myself. Sometimes, the subreddit can seem a bit all over the place, but using the Reddit search bar, you can check to see if someone else has already asked the question you were curious about which makes the process a lot easier. r/MechanicalKeyboards encourages newcomers to ask questions and share keyboard builds which creates a nice sense of inclusivity and is definitely recommended if you are new to the hobby.


r/MechMarket's Front Pager/MechMarket's Front Page

r/MechMarket's Front Page

r/MechMarket is another commonly used subreddit that is mainly for selling or buying keyboards, switches, and anything else mechanical keyboard related from other people in the hobby. It is also used to show off upcoming group buys and interest checks as well similar to Geekhack. While this is a marketplace and you can find some great deals on products, be careful and do your research/read the rules to protect yourself from getting scammed by random online individuals. This is an open market of sorts so there is no buyer protection that you see on places like Amazon and eBay. I have sold and bought a lot of products off of r/MechMarket with no issues, but that doesn’t mean it will be the same for everyone. Basically, r/MechMarket is a great place to check for products that are out of group buy or just out of stock, in general, to see if someone is selling it second-hand. You just have to be very careful and utilize the tools the subreddit has to offer, like seeing how many trades or purchases the person you are interested in buying from has made.


KeebTalk's Topic ListKeebTalk's Topic List

KeebTalk's Topic List

KeebTalk is one of the newer online forums on this list, but it features a more modern UI that makes browsing a lot easier as everything has tags and is separated into specific topic groups. Just like the other forums on this list, you can talk about pretty much anything mechanical keyboard related whether it be group buys, artisan keycaps, or the latest keyboard releases, KeebTalk has you covered. They also focus on sharing advice and just being welcoming overall so this is a great place if you are looking for a balance between technical discussions and creativity.


Deskthority's Index PageDeskthority's Index Page

Deskthority's Index Page

I actually hadn’t heard about Deskthority until today, but I am glad I did! This forum page is very similar to the other ones on this list as it focuses on general topics surrounding mechanical keyboards, but it also has topic groups that focus on mice and other input devices. So if you have questions about mechanical keyboards and what mouse to buy for your setup, this website can answer both of those questions! The wiki is also very helpful for beginners entering the hobby as it has pretty much everything you need to know and more. The UI for the wiki is also very user-friendly so you won’t have any trouble navigating through it. My favorite part about the wiki is that is open. What that means is that anyone can suggest changes or additions to be added via their “wiki subforum” which means that the information is always being updated to include any new information that might come out over the years. Deskthority is also known to be the go-to place to find any information about vintage keyboards, obscure key switches, and in-depth technical guides.


A lot of the information on this post is covered by TaehaType's video below as well:


There are so many different online forums nowadays, but whether you are an aspiring keyboard enthusiast looking for advice, a seasoned veteran who wants to share your expertise, or simply someone intrigued by mechanical keyboards, these forums offer a space to connect, learn, and explore. Whether you are looking for a more technical breakdown of mechanical keyboards on Geekhack or the more welcoming environment of r/MechanicalKeyboards, each website has its own distinct style and specific topics they specialize in. So no matter what question you may have, there will always be a forum that can help you out.